Monday, September 18, 2006

Easy Rider Motorcycle Rodeo August 2006

I would like to warn you that this post has nudity - if you find this offensive, please do not read any further.

Yes, I found myself this year at a MotorCycle Rodeo. Me... yes me. Talk about being completely out of your element - but my friend Dave talked me into attending one night of corn field debauchery - which turned out to be a Thursday - Sunday event that I was 'kiddnapped' into attending lol (J/K - it didn't take a lot of arm twisting to get me to stay.)
It was basically get as drunk as you possibly can, with out falling down and show your 'private parts'.

This is Kevin. Some people are very organized in their pursuit of seeing Boobs. And we did attract many 'boobs' with these jello shots (btw they were made by Dave's GRANDMA for this event!! LOL)

But the old reliable 'BEADS' still seems to attract the most nudity.

And then there were the 'Others' that just gave it up for free...
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..... Um, What?!! Ok, I was distracted... Shew.... lol ANYWAY... There were a lot of strange vechicles that people divised just for this occasion -

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There are lots of picnic tables that are put on trailers. Some of these have Stripper Poles mounted to them as seen in the second picture above.
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Some would reinforce the roof of there golf cart so people could ride up top. But my favorite vehicle that I saw over the course of 4 days was...
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The Cooler Scooter!! It's a functional cooler that has a motor and you ride it!! I love this thing!!!

It was a wild four days. I will say my girls stayed put away - I could just see my family browsing the web and 'TA DA' there's my boobs posted on someones site. Um.. No... I'm not going to take that chance. Call me a prude. :)

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This is Kevin & Dave

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was sooo funny! How do you find these "events". I live such a sheltered life....